Senior Design Project – Anderson Hotel

June 16, 2023
by Steffen Peuker

The Anderson Hotel is a 5-story historic hotel in downtown San Luis Obispo on the corner of Monterey and Morro. This building is set to be modernized and converted to a mixed-use low-income housing building while maintaining the historic architectural elements. The first floor will have retail tenants and the upper 4 floors will be used as low-income apartments. The building is currently fed by a steam boiler system that heats the building via in room radiators. There is no ventilation or cooling in the building.

The intent of this project is to provide the client, The Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo, with multiple HVAC designs, budgets, and Life Cycle Cost Analyses. The client will be able to choose an HVAC system based on efficiency, cost, and comfort. The deliverables for the project will be a narrative describing each option and suggesting a single option, the HVAC system designs, and the LCCAs.


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